4 Basic terms of cooking- Part II

Cooking is an art. It is not easy and cannot be learned by watching videos on YouTube. But learning should never stop. And one should keep learning always. There might be huge chances that you might have that skill to perfectly cook. In the previous blog by Chefed, the one with the Best Vegetarian Cook in Bangalore, have discussed about few terms. This is in continuation to the same blog with more terms added. The previous blog had an elaborated explanation of Sauté, Stir-frying, Sear, and Braised. Read more to find more interesting terms and their meaning related to cooking:

What is the meaning of Stew?

Braising and stewing are quite similar. But in stewing, the food is first browned over higher heat, and then poured back into the vessel with other added ingredients like veggies and liquid. It is then covered with pot. The pot is left slightly open for the steam to escape. The food is cooked over low flame. 

What is the meaning of Steaming?

This method is popular in Asian cooking. A consistent flow of hot air is released which helps the food cook. The liquid which can be water, wine, beer or any infusion is heated to create steam. The food is not submerged instead kept above the water. The liquid level should be one or two inches below the food kept over the liquid. This helps all the nutrients stay right in the place.

What is the meaning of Baking?

Baking refers to that process of cooking where food is cooked in the over uncovered using indirect, dry heat. The over temperature is not constant, instead it varies from recipe to recipe.

What is the meaning of Roasting?

This process is similar to baking but this involves cooking uncovered and with more heat as compared to baking. 

The vessel used is of shallow property so that the heat circulates evenly and doesn’t produce steam. There are further experiments with rock. You place the food on the rock in a roasting pan and allow the hot-air to circulate more evenly. Also, referred to foods cooked over live fire. 

What is the meaning of Grilling?

This process of cooking involves keeping the food directly over high-flame. Food quickly turns brown. One can grill wide variety of things ranging from vegetables, to fruits, to tender cuts of meat and poultry to fish and shellfish. The time and heat vary from food to food. In short it is a form of barbecuing, that is low and slow. 

Are these terms still not clear? Well, if you are looking for a Cook in Electronic City Phase- I, then you should definitely consider Chefed. It provides the best chef at affordable prices. 

Read our one more blog which is related to 4 Basic Terms of Cooking- Part I


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